4300 5G base stations have been built in Beijing

 时间:2019-06-11 10:34 来源:香港每日电讯责任编辑:张焱
   By the end of May, a total of 4300 5G base stations had been built in Beijing.

By the end of May, a total of 4300 5G base stations had been built in Beijing, mainly covering urban core areas, winter Olympic related parks, Expo meetings, Beijing Daxing International Airport and typical application sites.
In 2019, Beijing started the construction of 5G base station in Beijing, completed the administrative office area of Beijing City Deputy Center, Beijing Daxing International Airport, 2019 Beijing Expo, 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games test venue. The construction of 5G commercial network along Tiananmen and Changan Street will realize the 5G network coverage of the key functional areas such as the capital functional core area, the Beijing urban sub-center, the "three cities and one district", and the (CBD), Olympic center area in the business center district by 2021.



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